THE WORLD BIRDS - An Online Bird Book
Long-Legged WADERS
long-legged waders are comprised of the egrets, herons, ibises, spoonbills, storks, and flamingos. They are a diverse group, united by their long legs that enable them to wade for food. Their familes and orders are given below:
Herons: Order
Pelecaniformes, Family
Pelecaniformes, Family
Storks: Order
Ciconiiformes, Family
Phoenicopteriformes, Family
Order Pelicaniformes Family Ardeidae
Herons (egrets),
Pelicans, and
Storks are related. Whether they should be grouped in one, two, or three orders is disputed. The grouping followed here is: Herons -
Pelicaniformes; Pelicans -
Pelicaniformes; and storks -
herons and
egrets make up the Ardeidae family. Species belonging to genus Ardea are usually considered to be herons and those belonging to genus Egretta are called egrets. However, there is no clear distinction between herons and egrets. Those species that are white or have fancy plumage are usually called egrets.
Bitterns also belong to the Ardeidae family.A common feature of the Ardeidae species is that they fly with their necks retracted, unlike the ibis that fly with their necks outstretched.
These species are medium-sized herons, mostly breeding in warmer climates.
Egret,_Chinese Egretta eulophotes Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
Andres Siani - Bofrneo
2, 3) Jerry Oldenettel - Thailand
Egret, Dimorphic Egretta dimorpha Found: east Africa, Madagascar
Image by:
1, 2, 3) Dick Daniels - Antananarivo, Madagascar
4, 5, 6, 7) Dick - Morondava, Madagascar
Egret,_Little Egretta garzetta Fourd:
North America (uncommon), Europe,
Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand
Image by:
1) Dick - Cairns, Australia 2)
DIck Daniels - Plettenberg Bay, South Africa
3, 5) Sandy Cole - St. Lucia, South Africa 4)
Cristiano Crolle - Racconigi, Italy 6)
Dick -
Sylvan Heights 7)
Sandy -
Sylvan Heights 8)
Nik_Borrow 9) Video by
More vidoes
5) The Little Egret, Egyption Geese, and Reed Cormorant kept the crocodile from coming ashore.
![](../Daniels/Australasia/PhotosSmall/egret, little Cairns 2.jpg)
![](../Daniels/SouthAfrica/PhotosSmall/Egret, Little Plettenbergbay.jpg)
![](../Daniels/SouthAfrica/PhotosSmall/Egret, Little StLucia Sandy.jpg)
![](../Daniels/SouthAfrica/PhotosSmall/Birds threatening crocodile Sandy1.jpg)
Egret, Reddish Egretta rufescens Found: south USA to northwest South America
Image by:
Barloventomagico - Venezuela 2)
Dan Irizarry - Florida 3)
Ken Carregan 4)
Teddy Llovet - California 5)
Alan D. Wilson- Texas 6)
Elaine R. Wilson - California 7)
Googie Man 8, 9) Dick Daniels - Florida
1) White morph - juvenile 2) White morph - nonbreeding 3) White morph breeding
4) Juvenile 5, 6) nonbreeding 7, 8, 9) breeding
![](../People/Wilson/WilsonSm/Egret, Reddish Alan_D_Wilson_7299.jpg)
![](../People/Wilson/WilsonSm/Egret, Reddish Elaine_R_Wilson_0270.jpg)
![](../Images2SM/Egret, Reddish Googie Man.jpg)
![](../Daniels/Florida/FLsm/Egret, Reddish Sanibel2.jpg)
Egret,_Slaty Egretta vinaceigula Found: south-central Africa
Image by:
1, 2) Ian White - Botswana 3)
Neil Gray
Egret, Snowy Egretta thula Found: The Americas
Image by: 1)
Maggie Smith 2)
Len Blumin - California 3)
Dick Daniels - Half Moon Bay. California 4)
Dick - California
5, 9) Dick - Jamaica
6) Dick - New Jersey 7)
Alan D. Wilson - Fulton Harbour,
Fulton, Texas 8)
Dick - North Carolina 10)
Terry Ross - Texas 11)
Dick - South Carolina
1) Juvenile 2, 3, 4) breeding plumage 6 - 11) nonbreeding
![](../Daniels1SM/egret, snowy 10-15a Huntington Beach SP.jpg)
![](../Daniels1SM/egret, snowy 09-07 CapeMay.jpg)
![](../People/Wilson/WilsonSm/Egret, Snowy Alan_D_Wilson_1230a.jpg)
Heron,_Black also
Black Egret Egretta ardesiaca Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Dick Daniels - San Diego Zoo
2, 3) Derek_Keats - South Africa 4)
Garvie - The Gambia 5)
Ian White - Botswana
Heron,_Little Blue Egretta caerulea Found: The Americas
Image by:
1, 2)
Dick Daniels - Jamaica
3, 6) Dick - Puerto Rico
Dick - Brookfield Gardens,
South Carolina 5)
Dick - Southport, North Carolina
1) Juvenile
![](../Daniels1SM/heron, little blue 03-25a.jpg)
![](../Daniels1SM/Heron, Little Blue Jan19.jpg)
Heron,_Tricolored Egretta tricolor Found: The Americas
Image by: 1)
Nick Schooley - Florida
2, 3, 6, 10) Dick Daniels - Florida
5. 9) Dick - Lake Okeechobee, Florida
4, 7, 8) Dick - the Carolinas
1) Juvenile
![](../Daniels/Florida/FLsm/Heron, Tricolored Sanibel6.jpg)
![](../Daniels/Florida/FLsm/Heron, Tricolored LO1.jpg)
![](../Daniels1SM/heron, tricolor 10-15 Huntington Beach SP.jpg)
![](../Daniels1SM/heron, tricolored 02-15 a.jpg)
![](../Daniels/Florida/FLsm/Heron, Tricolored LO2.jpg)
Heron,_Eastern Reef also
Pacific Reef Heron Egretta sacra Found: Asia, Australasia
Image by: 1)
John Feather 2, 3)
Glen Fergus - Ladt Elliot Island, Australia 4)
Most birds are dark, but there is also a white morph.
![](../People/FergusSM/Heron, Eastern Reef John Feather.jpg)
![](../People/FergusSM/Heron, Eastern Reef Glen Fergus.jpg)
![](../People/FergusSM/Heron, Eastern Reef Glen Fergus 2.jpg)
Heron,_Western Reef Egretta gularis Found:
Africa, Asia
Image by: 1)
Bhardwaj Shanthanu - Kachchh, Gujarat, India
2, 3)
ChriKo near St. Louis, Senegal 4)
Nik_Borrow - Principe
![](../People/BhardwajSM/Heron,_Western_Reef_ Bhardwaj.jpg)
Heron,_White-faced Egretta novaehollandiae Found: Australia, Indonesia, New Zealand
Image by:
1, 4, 5, 6) Dick Daniels - Australia 2)
David Cook - ACT 3)
![](../Daniels/Australasia/PhotosSmall/heron, white-faced Featherdale AU 2.jpg)
![](../Daniels/Australasia/PhotosSmall/heron, white-faced Auckland NZ 1.jpg)
![](../Daniels/Australasia/PhotosSmall/heron, white-faced Auckland NZ 2.jpg)