THE WORLD BIRDS - An Online Bird Book


Order Trogoniformes 
- 1 family    Family Trogonidae

The trogons and quetzals are birds in the order Trogoniformes which contains only one family, the Trogonidae. The word "trogon" is Greek for "nibbling" and refers to the fact that these birds gnaw holes in trees to make their nests. They feed on insects and fruit, and their broad bills and weak legs reflect their diet and arboreal habits. Although their flight is fast, they are reluctant to fly any distance. Trogons have soft, often colourful, feathers with distinctive male and female plumage.

The majority of trogons are birds of tropical and subtropical forests. They have a cosmopolitan distribution in the worlds wet tropics, being found in the Americas, Africa and Asia. A few species are distributed into the temperate zone, with two species (Eared Trogon and Elegant Trogon) reaching the south of the United States.

Genus Apalharpactes
Found : Indonesia

Trogon,_Javan Apalharpactes reinwardtii  also Harpactes reinwardtiiFound: west of Java (Indonesia)
Image by: 1) Lip_Kee - Java

Trogon,_Sumartran  Apalharpactes mackloti  also  Harpactes mackloti Found: Sumatra (Indonesia)
Image by: 1) Jappalang  2)  Doug_Janson  3) Samuel_Progin
3) Male

Genus Apaloderma
Found : Africa

Trogon,_Bare-cheeked  Apaloderma aequatoriale  Found: Africa
Image by: 1) Internet Archive Book Images  2) Nik Borrow

Trogon,_Bar-tailed  Apaloderma vittatum  Found: Africa
The male Bar-tailed Trogon has green upperparts; blackish upper-tail; blue-black iridescence head; orange patch of bare skin below eye; iridescent violet to blue green upper-breast; red rest of underparts. Female has brown head; light cinnamon throat, breast; otherwise similar to male.
Image by: 1, 2) Steve_Garvie

Trogon,_Narina  Apaloderma narina  Found: Africa
The Narina Trogon green upperparts; white fringe on tail; red underparts; orange bill.
Image by: 1) Derek_Keats  2) Alan_Manson  3) Peter Steward - Kenya 
1) Female  2) Male 

Genus Euptilotis - 1 species
Found: North America

Trogon,_Eared also Eared Quetzal   Euptilotis neoxenus  Found: Arizona, Mexico
The Eared Trogon has iridescent green back, iridescent dark blue central tail feathers, and outer tail feathers that are predominantly white. The bill is dull gray with a slightly darker band at the tip. The head and bill appear rather small and narrow in comparison to those of typical trogons.The adult male has a blackish head, iridescent green breast, and red belly and undertail coverts. The adult female has a gray head, breast, and upper belly and less extensive red on the lower belly.
Image by: 1) Jerry Oldenettel - Arizona  2) Brono_Lima  3) Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Alfredo_Garcia

Genus Harpactes
Found: Asia

Trogon,_Cinnamon-rumped  Harpactes orrhophaeus  Found: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand
The male Cinnamon-rumped Trogon has pale brown upperparts; black hood; blue bill; pink-red underparts; brown upper-tail; white under-tail with black borders. Female has dark brown head; chestnut around eyes, lores; yellowish underparts.
Image by: 1) John_Gould  2) Ayuwat_Jearwattanakanok 3) Daniel Koh - Malyasia
2) Female 3) Male

Trogon,_Diard's  Harpactes diardii  Found:Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand
Image by: 1) Nick Athanas - Malaysia   2) Dick_Knight
1, 2) Mal

Trogon,_Malabar  Harpactes fasciatus  Found: India, Sri Lanka
The male Malabar Trogon has a slaty-black head, bib; white bottom to the bib; crimson rest of underparts. Female has olive-brown back; darker head. Both sexes have bluish bill, skin around eyes.
Image by: 1) Thimindu_Goonatillake   2) Cks3976 - Western Gnats of India
1) Female 2) Male

Trogon,_Orange-breasted  Harpactes oreskios  Found: southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia
The male Orange-breasted Trogon has rufous upperparts; paler rump; olive-yellow head; broad white bars on wings; orange breast; yellow belly. Female similar but duller; gray breast.
Image by: 1) Francesco_Veronesi  2) Rushen of Thai National Parks 3) Jason_Thompson  michaelandhelencox

Trogon,_Philippine  Harpactes ardens  Found: Philippines
The male Philippine Trogon has brown mantle, neck; black head, chin; white fore-collar; red beast.
Image by: 1) John_Gould   2) Noel_Reynolds

Trogon,_Red-headed  Harpactes erythrocephalus  Found: Asia
Image by: 1) JJ Harrison in Thailand  2) Frank Monnerjahn  3) Nick_Athanas

Trogon,_Red-naped  Harpactes kasumba  Found:Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand
The male Red-naped Trogon has yellow-brown upperparts with bright red below back of head; black head, neck; white fore-collar; black and white under-tail. Female has  gray-brown head, neck; yellowish-underparts; black and white under-tail.
Image by: 1) John Gould  2) Naturelly  3) Yann_Muzika - Malayasia 

Trogon,_Scarlet-rumped  Harpactes duvaucelii  Found: Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand
Image by: 1, 2) Lip_Kee - Malaysia
1) Female 2) Male

Trogon,_Ward's  Harpactes wardi  Found: Bhutan, India, Tibet, Myanmar, northern Vietnam
Image by: 1) Jharsha  2) soumyajit_nandy  3) Mark_Gurney  4) Francesco_Veronesi

Trogon,_Whitehead's  Harpactes whiteheadi  Found: Borneo
Image by:  1)  Marcel_Holyoak

Genus Pharomachrus
Found: Cemtral America and South America

Quetzal,_Crested  Pharomachrus antisianus  Found: Venezuela to Bolivia
The male Quetzal has metallic green upperparts, head; red underparts; short orange crest above its bill; white vent. Female has brown head, upper-breast; no crest.
Image by: 1, 2) Jerry Oldenettel - Ecuador 3) Nick Athanas - Peru
1, 2) Female 3) Male

Quetzal,_Golden-headed  Pharomachrus auriceps  Found: Venezuela to Bolivia
The male Golden-headed Quetzal has gold-bronze head; iridescent golden-green wings and breast can appear blue depending on light; black under-tail. Female duller and has brownish-gray bill versus male's yellow bill.
Image by: 1) Joao_Quental - Peru  2) Nick Athanas - Ecuador  Arley_Vargas
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Quetzal,_Pavonine  Pharomachrus pavoninus  Found: northwest Brazil and bordering countries
The Pavoine Quetzal has metallic green plumage; red belly. Male has green head; black undertail. Female has grayish head; gray breast-band; white barring on outer tail.
Image by: 1) daniele_paccaloni  2) Davide_Giannella  3) Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Quetzal,_Resplendent Pharomachrus mocinnoFound: Mexico, Central America
The Resplendent Quetzal has a green body (showing iridescence from green-gold to blue-violet) and red breast. The green upper tail coverts hide their tails and in breeding males are particularly splendid, being longer than the rest of the body. The primary wing coverts are also unusually long. The male has a helmet-like crest. The bill, which is partly covered by green feathers, is yellow in mature males and black in females.
Image by: 1, 2, 3) Nick Athanas - Costa Rica  4) plexycolor

Quetzal,_White-tipped  Pharomachrus fulgidus  Found: Columbia, Guyana, Venezuela
The White-tipped Quetzal has bronze-green crown, nape; bright green back, breast, rump, upper-tail coverts; bright red belly, under-tail coverts; upper-tail black; under-tail white. Male has yellow bill; female dull bill.
1) Female 2, 3) Male
Image by: 1, 2, 3) Nick Athanas - Columbia, Venezuela, Columbia

Genus Priotelus
Found: Caribbean

Trogon,_Cuban  Priotelus temnurus  Found: Cuba
The Cuban Trogon is very colorful with a green back, blue crown, red belly and beak, and white throat and chest. It has a long fluffy tail which is very unique amongst trogons.
Image by:  1) Laura Gooch  - Camagüey Province, Cuba   2, 3) Ekaterina_Chernetsova

Trogon,_Hispaniolan  Priotelus roseigaster  Found: Dominican Republic, Haiti
The Hispaniolan Trogon has metallic green upperparts; gray throat, breast; red belly; dark undertail tipped with white.
Image by: 1) Meyduek  2) Alfonso_Lomba  3) Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Juan_Sangiovanni

Genus Trogon
Found: Cemtral America and South America
Trogons have distinctive male and female plumages, with soft, often colourful, feathers.

Trogon,_Amazonian  Trogon ramonianus  Found: Amazon region of South America
The Amazonian Trogon, Gartered Trogon, and Guianan Trogon were previous grouped together as the Violaceous Trogon.

The male Amazonian Trogon has black head, neck; green upperparts; yellow-orange breast and belly.
Image by: 1) Claudio_Timm  2) Joao_Quental  Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Brian_Sullivan
1, 2) Male

Trogon,_Baird's  Trogon bairdii  Found: Costa Rica, Panama
The Baird's Trogon has black head, back; red breast; mainly white under-tail.
Image by: 1) Francesco_Veronesi - Costa Rica  2) Reinaldo_Aguilar

Trogon,_Black-headed Trogon melanocephalus  Found: Mexico, Central America
The male Black-headed Trogon has blackish upperpart, head, upper-breast; yellow lower-breast, belly; white border between black and yellow of upper-breast. Female similar with slate gray upperparts; duller yellow underparts.
Image by: 1) Stongey - Costa Rica  2) Nick Athanas - Mexico  3) Michael_Klotz - Belize  4) Becky_Matsubara

Trogon,_Black-tailed  Trogon melanurus  Found: Panama, Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Guianas, Peru, Venezuela
The Black-tailed Trogon has has blackish under-tail; blue-green upperparts, upper-breast; small white band below upper-breast; red rest underparts. Male has entirely yellow bill; female has dark upper mandible.
Similar to: Ecuadorian Trogon. Black-tailed Trogon has dark eye; Ecuadorian Trogon has white eye.
Image by: 1, 3) Nick Athanas - Ecuador 3) Carlos_Henrique - Brazil
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Trogon,_Black-throated  Trogon rufus Found: Central America, South America
The Black-throated Trogon has a yellow bill The wing coverts are vermiculated with black and white, but appear gray at a distance. The male has a green head, upper breast and back, black face and throat, and golden yellow belly. The female has a brown head, upper breast and back, rufous upper tail and yellow belly.
Image by: 1) Dick Daniels - Soberania National Park, Panama  2, 4) Frank Vassen   3, 6, 7, 8) Nick Athanas - Brazil, Brazil, Panama, Ecuador  5) Jerry_Oldenettel - Costa Rica 
1, 2) Female 3, 4, 5) Male

Trogon,_Blue-crowned  Trogon curucui  Found: Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru
The Blue-crowned Trogon has has red belly; black tail with white barring. Male blue crown; black and blue breast. Female has gray head, back, breast.
Image by: 1) Nick Athanas  2)  Claudio_Timm  3) Jairmoreirafotografia  4) Blake_Matheson
1, 2) Female 3, 4) Male

Trogon,_Blue-tailed  Trogon comptus  Found: Columbia, Ecuador
The Blue-tailed Trogon has metallic greenish-blue upperparts; black mask; red belly; dark under-tail; blue upper-tail' white eye.
Image by: 1, 2) Nick Athanas - Ecuador  3) Michael_Woodruff - Ecuador  4) Don_Faulkner 

Trogon,_Citreline  Trogon citreolus  Found: western Mexico
The male Citreline Trogon has metallic green upperparts with blue rump; gray head, upper-breast; small white band below; bright yellow belly; mainly white under-tail. Female has dark gray upperparts; paler yellow belly
Image by: 1) Nick Athanas  2) Don_Loarie  3) Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Louis_Imbeau

Trogan,_Collared  Trogon collaris  Found: South America
The male Collared Trogon has a green back, head, and breast. There is a white line separating the breast from the red underparts. The undertail is white with black barring, and the wings are black, vermiculated with white. The female has a brown back, head and breast, a relatively uniform undertail (not clearly barred), and underparts that are slightly paler than in the male.
Orange-bellied Trogon also consider a morph of the Collared Trogon.
Image by: 1, 2, 3) Nick Athanas - Ecuador, Ecuador, Mexico  4) Dominic Sherony 
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male

Trogon,_Ecuadorian  Trogon mesurus  Found: mainly western Ecuador; also bordering Peru
The male Ecuadorian Trogon has has metallic green upperparts; bluish-green rump, upper-tail; black face, throat; yellow bill; white eye; bright green upper-breast; white band below; red lower-breast; belly; black under-tail.
Similar to: Black-tailed Trogon. Black-tailed Trogon has dark eye; Ecuadorian Trogon has white eye.
Image by: 1) Nick Athanas  2, 3) Francesco_Veronesi

Trogon,_Elegant   Trogon elegans  Found: southern Arizona to northern Costa Rica
The Elegant Trogon has a white undertail with fine horizontal black barring. It has a yellow bill and a white horizontal breast stripe. The male has a metallic deep green head, upper breast and back, black face and throat, and red-orange lower breast and belly. The female has a metallic bronze head, upper breast, back, and upper tail. She shows a dull white upper belly, and a small white vertical stripe behind the eye.
Image by: 1, 2. 3) Dominic Sherony
1) Female  2, 3) Male

Trogon,_Gartered  Trogon caligatus   Found: Mexico, Central America, Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela
The Amazonian Trogon, Gartered Trogon, and Guianan Trogon were previous grouped together as the Violaceous Trogon.

The male Gartered Trogon has a blue head and upper breast, a green back which becomes bluer on the rump. A faint white line separates the breast from the orange-yellow underparts. The undertail is white with black barring, and the wings are black, vermiculated with white. It has a yellow eye-ring. The female resembles the male, but has a dark gray back, head and breast, and an incomplete white eye-ring.
Image by: 1) Dominic Sherony - Honduras  2) Aaron_Maizlish - Panama  3) Nick Athanas - Mexico 

Trogon,_Green-backed  Trogon viridis  Found: South America
The male Green-backed Trogon has a dark blue (blackish in poor light) head and upper breast The back is green. The lower underparts are orange yellow. The wings are black, vermiculated with white. The undertail is black and white. It has a pale blue eye-ring. The female resembles the male, but has a gray back, head and breast.
Similar to: White-tailed Trogon. The White-tailed Trogon has some blue on its rump; Green-backed Trogon does not. Their ranges not overlap.
Image by: 1, 2) Dick Daniels  3) Sandy Cole  4) Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Trogon,_Guianan  Trogon violaceus  Found: Brazil and surrounding countries from Guinanas to Bolivia.
The Amazonian Trogon, Gartered Trogon, and Guianan Trogon were previous grouped together as the Violaceous Trogon.

The male Guianan Trogon has green upperparts becoming bluer towards the rump; blue head, upper-breast; faint white line; orange-yellow lower-breast, belly; white under-tail with black barring; black wings vermiculated with white; yellow eye-ring. Female similar; dark gray back, head, breast; incomplete white eye-ring.
Image by: 1) Frank_Vassen  2) Mike_and_Chris - Trinidad
1) Female 2) Male

Trogon,_Lattice-tailed  Trogon clathratus  Found: Costa Rica, Panama
The Lattice-tailed Trogon has iridescent back, head, breast; upper-tail coverts; red breast, belly;  black and white vermiculated wing-coverts; black under-tail with white barring (thus lattice name). 
Image by: 1) Michael_Woodruff - Costa Rica  2) Matt_MacGillivray - Costa Rica  3) Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Marek_Stefunko
1) Female 2) Male

Trogon,_Masked   Trogon personatus  Found: Guyana, Venezuela to Bolivia
The male Masked Trogon has variously colored upperparts, head and upper chest depending on the subspecies. The belly and lower breast are red; the latter separated from the greenish upper chest by a narrow white band. It has a distinct eye-ring, in most subspecies. The female is brown above, with a pinkish to red belly and breast; the white band separating brown and red on her underside is often either narrow or obscured. It has a partial white eye-ring.
Image by: 1, 2, 3) Nick Athanas - Ecuador, Ecuador, Venezuela  4) Santiago Bejarano  
1) Female 2. 3, 4) Male

Trogon,_Mountain  Trogon mexicanus  Found:Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico
The male Mountain Trogon has metallic green upperparts, crown, nape, upper-breast; narrow band of white above red belly; red eye-ring, Female has warm brown head instead of metallic green.
Image by: 1) Alan_Harper  - Honduras  2) Francesco_Veronesi - Mexico  3) Ron_Knight - Mexico
1, 2) Female 3) Male

Trogon,_Orange-bellied  Trogon aurantiiventris   Found: Costa Rica, Panama
The male Orange-bellied Trogon has green upperparts, head, breast; white band above its orange belly; white under-tail with narrow black banding. Female has brown replacing black; tail not clearly barred.
Orange-bellied Trogon also consider a morph of the Collared Trogon.
Image by; 1) Eric_Gropp - Panama  2) Vil_Sandi 3) Charles Davies 

Trogon,_Slaty-tailed  Trogon massena  Found: Mexico, Central America, Columbia, Ecuador
The slaty-tailed Trogon has a uniformly dark gray tail and wing coverts. It has a red belly. The male Slaty-tailed Trogon has a green back, head and breast, and orange bill. The female has a dark gray back, head and breast. The bill is partially orange bill, most of the upper mandible being black.
Image by:  1) Dominic Sherony - Panama  2) Michael_Klotz - Panama  3) John Norton  4) Vil Sandi
1, 2) Female  3, 4) Male

Trogon,_Surucua  Trogon surrucura  Found: mainly Brazil; also Argentina, Paraguay
The Surucua Trogon has coppery-green upperparts; blue crown, neck, breast; black face; usually pinkish-red belly. Female has dull gray upperparts, head, breast.
Image by: 1) Dario Sanches - Brazil  2) Cláudio Timm  3, 4) Nick Athanas - Brazil
3) T. s. surrucura  4) T. s, aurantius
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male

Trogon,_Violaceous also Guianan Trogon  Trogon violaceus  Found: South America
The male Violaceous Trogon head and upper breast are blue. The back is green, becoming bluer on the rump. A faint white line separates the breast from the orange yellow underparts. The undertail is white with black barring. The eye-ring is yellow. The female Violaceous Trogon resembles the male, but has a dark gray back, head and breast, and an incomplete white eye-ring.
Image by:  1)  Image by Frank Vassen - Costa Rica   2, 3) Dick Daniels - Soberania National Park, Panama
1) Female  2, 3) Male

Trogon,_White-tailed Trogon chionurus   Found: Panama to western Columbia and Ecuador
The male White-tailed Trogon dark green back becoming blue on the rump; dark blackish-blue head, breast; orange-yellow belly; bluish-white eye-ring. Female similar but has gray back, head, breast.
Similar to: Green-backed Trogon. The White-tailed Trogon has some blue on its rump; Green-backed Trogon does not. Their ranges not overlap.
Image by: 1, 4) Nick Athanas - Ecuador  2) Mdf - Panama  3) Dick Daniels - Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle
1, 2) Female 3, 4) Male

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